Friday, 23 April 2010


Reviewing the report yesterday we thought that was interesting to apply the following three levels studied in previous modules to Lonely Planet.

The levels are:
1. CORPORATE PERSONALITY, so the internal culture of the company.
2. CORPORATE IMAGE, so what the company wants to project of itself.
3. CORPORATE PERCEPTION, so what the people really perceive about the company and its products and services.

Checking the website to try to find some information about the corporate image and personality we realize that there was nothing. So, the only analysis we could do was based in assumptions.
So, after analysing Lonely Planet we think that the image and the personality of the company is very friendly and close to its consumers. We think that because of the history of the creation of the company and also because of the way that the company interacts with their public. Furthermore, we think that this is the perception that the public have, as they are sharing their pictures, experiences and tips with lonely planet and their community.

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